Stop Before You Block Tray

Introducing the designated Rainbow Trays Stop Before You Block tray supporting the new SALG & RA-UK Standard Operating Procedures:
Aligning directly to the new UK-RA poster, promoting a conversation between blocker and assistant whilst custody of the designated block tray is assigned to the assistant until agreement of the block site is confirmed.
The new SBYB poster prompts the blocker to hand over the tray and pause before blocking, providing the cognitive space to reaffirm correct site. This human factor assisted, simple and effective process will support anaesthetic teams to mitigate the effects of distractions, time delays and obstruction of marked sites (by blankets) to reduce the risks of wrong side blocking.
The designated tray supports the poster call-to-actions reminding the blocker and assistant to STOP at the point just prior to blocking. The poster provides clear guidance for the SOPs whilst the tray, in the hands of the blocker and assistant, re-enforces this message.
Inadvertent wrong sided peripheral nerve blocks are uncommon but can have serious consequences including complications from the unnecessary block such as nerve injury and local anaesthetic toxicity.
At worst, wrong sided blocks can lead a team to wrong-site surgery. In 2018 HSIB investigated causes of wrong side regional anaesthesia block and invited SALG to formulate a standard national policy aiming to make any improvements on the familiar ‘Stop Before You Block’ campaign launched in 2011.
Previously, advice from SALG has been open to interpretation leading to checks being made at any time from the WHO checklist to 30-45 minutes later prior to block placement. This has now been updated to standard operating procedures and a deconstructed approach identifying the three key steps: PREP - STOP - BLOCK
Resources for SBYB, including copies of the poster, links to demonstration videos, SOP templates, summary of evidence and Anaesthesia editorial can be found on the SALG and UK-RA websites:
Reusable & Recyclable
Manufactured from PET, best for infection control and sustainability, Rainbow Trays STOP Before You Block trays are REUSABLE and at the end of their life they can be RECYCLED.
Supporting the circular economy and NHS Net Zero.